Domain Registration

Your online address

domain. dk | com | eu | org | net

The domain is your unique name in the virtual world.

Domain functions

The domain name is the easy way to show people the way to your website and be found out on the web.

E-mail Address
Contact others with the unique domain name as sender and make it easy for the mail to find its way back to the mailbox.

Shop & Store
Turn on the light sign with the unique domain name and let people easily find the door to your online store.
Ancker Studios funktioner
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Additional options

Use the domain as an online treasury to store photos, videos or other files. Remember the padlock for the more private things.

Web Alias
The domain can be used as a great pointer to other domains. It can point to someone else website or your favorite videos.

Park domain names that are not being used so no one can take them over. However, remember to keep parking meters running.


The protocol HTTP / HTTPs is used to send information. HTTP(s) is a secure connection and has aSSL-certificate associated.


Subdomains WWW. SHOP. or BLOG. are subdomains. You can decide for yourself what your subdomain should be.


SLD (Second-Level Domain) is the primary domain name. It will be the unique name you register.


TLD (Top-Level Domain) Coming after the primary domain,.dk is the Danish. The order of a domain will go through the country's internet orginization..DK is managed by

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